

Loneliness, she is your friend
Do not fear her
Though the ache is crushing
And the temptation to dismiss her grand

She is longing
Hidden within you
She is desire
That can not be fully satisfied

No companion, tribe, or religion
Will replace her presence in your life
No bottles, pleasures, or accomplishment
Will allow you to escape the angst inside

Loneliness, she is your friend
Become familiar with her
Do not tuck her away
Release your need to have her satisfied

It is then you will discover
She is the whisper of your Creator
Deep within your soul,
Through her voice, he calls you

Awakening you to see the greater beauty
Even in suffering
Giving you sight of hope
Even where evil casts dark shadows

It is there, that loneliness guides you
To no longer hold life with a fierce grip
Nor attempt to escape the here and now
In search of other worlds

As you open yourself to receive her gifts
You will find deeper satisfaction
As loved ones are no longer needed to make her go away
Communion no longer a mere transaction




A Confession for Brothers and Sisters